How to tell your startup story effectively through an investor pitch deck

As a startup founder, when it comes to pitching your business to investors, you only have a few minutes to make a lasting impression. But how do you tell it in a way that will resonate with investors? The key is to craft a narrative that is clear, engaging, and compelling. One of the best ways to do that is through a pitch deck. It is a presentation that tells your startup's story and outlines your business plan to potential investors.

A typical pitch deck usually includes the following slides for telling your story effectively:
•Start with the problem: Start by articulating the problem that your startup is solving. Investors and customers want to know that you're solving a real problem.
•Highlight the market opportunity: Be sure to highlight the market size of the opportunity to the investors. Investors are interested in a business that is scalable and can address a large market or consumer base.
•Describe your solution: Describe your solution in detail. You can include a working prototype or a product demo to explain how it works.
•Differentiate your business: There are many businesses out there solving the same problem. Define what makes you different from your competition. Make sure to highlight your USPs.
•Discuss your business model: How do you plan to make money? So, make sure you have a well-thought-out business plan. Provide unit economics and the latest MIS.
•Share your traction: Investors are typically interested in businesses that at least have an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and certain initial traction. Showcase your major accomplishments which can include user growth, revenue, and profitability.
•Focus on the future: Investors are interested in what you're going to do next. So, make sure you're highlighting your future roadmap and goals. Make sure to add 3-5 years' financial projections.
•Outline your Go-to-Market strategy: Be sure to discuss how you are going to reach your target market and customer.
•Introduce your team: Investors are interested in a strong team. So, highlight their experience and qualifications, and commitment to the company’s success.
•Ask for what you need: Make sure you ask for what you need. Whether it's funding, customers, or partners, be clear about what you're looking for.

Here are a few tips to make your pitch deck effective, persuasive, and engaging:
•Keep it concise, and avoid using too many slides or too much text on each slide.
•Use images, infographics, and videos to bring your story to life and show people what your business is all about.
•Practice your presentation before delivering your pitch deck.
•After you pitch your business, follow up with the investor.

The goal of a pitch deck is to capture the attention of the investor in your business and to convince them to invest in it. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, a structured pitch deck with the right story, facts & figures, and a strong founding team can help you get the funding you need to get your business off the ground.


Rishabh Mishra

Business Consultant - Consulting | Growth Advisory & Fund-Raising